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As a 24-hour secure-access fitness facility, JP’s   GYM and IRON WORKS INC (hereafter referred to as the “Gym”), has a few different policies and procedures. Please read the information carefully. If you have any questions, please ask.
Compliance with Rules
I understand and agree that a 24/7 gym membership is a special membership based on trust and is a privilege, which can be taken away for a violation of rules. As a Gym member, I agree to abide by all Gym membership rules and 24/7 membership rules, which will be posted at the Gym, on the Gym website, and may be amended from time to time at the sole discretion of the Gym.
The additional rules below apply to a 24/7 membership:

1. Only one 24/7 member may enter the Gym front door at a time during non-staffed hours. Everyone must use their fob individually which registers when you enter/leave.
2. FOB sharing is strictly prohibited and will result in immediate loss of membership; fob sharing is viewed by ownership as stealing services.
3. Only active account members will be allowed entry during non working hours.
Pre-approved 24/7 members under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an approved member parent until they reach the age of 16.
4. Improper unauthorised use of the Gym may result in member suspension or cancellation. No one may use your fob for any reason, and you are required to report any situation that appears to be fob sharing to Gym staff. 
5. The Gym reserves the right to suspend or cancel the rights, privileges and membership of any member whose actions are detrimental to the use, safety, and enjoyment of the Gym. 
6. Do not bring or otherwise allow a person that is not an approved member or guest of the Gym to access the facility without permission out-with friends and family.
7. Do not bring or otherwise allow a person younger than 16 years of age to access the Gym without permission.
8. Athletes alone in the Gym should call 999 in case of an emergency. 
9. All outside doors must remain closed during all non-staffed hours (two front and back doors). Fire exits must remain closed out-with working hours as alarm will go off. Office will also be alarmed! 
10. No one under the influence of alcohol or drugs is permitted in the Gym at any time. No alcohol-involved fitness activities are permitted without permission from the owner.
11. Only use equipment you understand how to use.
I12. nspect the equipment to make sure it is properly functioning prior to using the equipment.
13. Remove any potential trip hazards from the floor, around racks/lifting area, and return all excess plates/equipment to keep area tidy when they are not in use. 
14. Limit all movements to 80% loading during non-staffed hours.
15. Stop exercising if you experience a potential injury and seek medical attention.
I16. Inspect your surroundings to make sure equipment and weights are not obstructing your intended exercise.
17. Notify management and all other members using the Gym if any equipment is not working properly or if you notice any potentially dangerous conditions within the Gym.
18. Return all equipment, chalk, and/or other Gym supplies to their designated storage place after using the equipment and pick up any items or trash brought into the Gym or bathrooms. 
19. After Gym use, please vacuum, mop, and wipe down any used equipment.

Failure to do so will result in the following:

1st Violation — Verbal warning
2nd Violation — revocation of 24/7 Gym access and potential loss of membership.

The Gym is monitored 24/7 by surveillance cameras. Do not touch, move, or unplug any security cameras.
Do not adjust the thermostats.
Turn off all lights in the Gym if last in (switch behind both entry doors, upstairs to right of top step, and machine rooms). Emergency lights do not turn off.
Be sure door is closed and check to make sure it’s locked which it does automatically!

Failure to follow these guidelines will result in revocation of 24/7 access.

___________   Initial acceptance to abide by Gym rules and special rules for the 24/7 membership.
No Supervision

I understand I am purchasing a membership at a 24/7 facility that allows access at any time. As such, I am aware that there will be no supervision or assistance except during staffed hours. Staffed hours may change at the sole discretion of the Gym. I am aware if I get injured, become unconscious, suffer a stroke or heart attack or any other medical emergency or event, there will likely be no one to respond to my emergency and that the Gym has no duty to provide assistance to me while I am at the Gym. I understand even though the Gym is equipped with surveillance cameras, these record, but are not monitored continuously; help will not be available during non-staffed hours. However, a first aid station, AED and emergency alarms are located in the facility. 
_____________   Initial acceptance of No Supervision.

Acknowledgement of Risk and Waiver of Liability

I voluntarily assume the risk of injury, accident, death, loss, cost or damage to my person or property which might arise from my use of the Gym, and I agree to hold harmless and release the Gym and all affiliated corporations, and its owner, directors, employees, representatives, management, and all others from any and all liability. I also release all of those mentioned and any others acting on their behalf from any responsibility or liability for any injury or damage to myself including those caused by the negligent act or omission of any of those mentioned or others acting on their behalf or in any way arising out of or connected with my participation in any activities or the use of any equipment at the gym during staffed or non-staffed hours.
____________   Initial acceptance of Acknowledgement of Risk and Release of Liability Waiver.


General Terms

This contract represents the complete understanding between you and the Gym. No representations, written or oral, other than those contained in this contract (and the Gym’s other waivers) are authorized or binding upon the Gym. Should any part of this agreement due to legal or other regulatory changes become unenforceable, the remaining provisions within this agreement not impacted by such change shall remain in full force as originally written. You agree to promptly update the Gym of any changes of address, phone, email address and/or bank account/credit card information.

____________   Initial acceptance of General Terms.

I certify that I have read and understand all of the terms of the gym agreement and agree to continue to abide by all of the terms of this agreement. 

______________________________ _______________________________
Print Name:                                             Signature:
(If under 16, Parent or Legal Guardian signature and completion of Parental Consent For Minor Membership form is required)

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07817 317301

©2018 by JP’s gym.

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